Sunday, September 30, 2012

Reinoryokusha Odagiri Kyoko no Uso: episode 5 synopsis and review

 After a promising 4th episode bit of a step back this time around, while even though every episode has been an enjoyable watch, this one was too, just has slipped a bit into mediocrity and while not completely boring hasn't been as interesting as it should be. This last episode dealt with a case of pyrokinesis, one night an unassuming man thwarted an attempted purse snatcher but lighting him on fire and was witnessed by many people, sort of became a minor hero and was quickly recruited to face off against Kyoko on her TV show. Of course as they always do Kyoko and Taniguchi do some scouting before hand to find out his tricks, seems that it's quite easy to prepare things to catch fire in advance as that's what the man had done to the purse snatcher and also a few other things in his life, some of them were do impress his son. Kyoko found out his secrets and was able to prevent him from doing his fire trick on the show but secretly used his tricks for herself and was able to light many objects on fire, now she's known for being more than a psychic.

 That was really just the gist of what happened for the 5th episode, really was a letdown as this drama has so much potential and just misses the mark too often, more than anything else found myself bored with this last show, kept hoping something interesting would happen and it never did. So far even though I haven't given it high marks still has been a decent watch, nothing spectacular or original but would recommend it, just be warned that at times it can be a bit boring and doesn't live up to the promise it shows on most of the cases Kyoko tries to 'solve'. Going to watch the last 4 episodes but don't think I'll give a review for each of them but will come back to give a final review of the show, really hoping it'll improve but not really positive it will, check out the next 2 posts for a bunch of screenshots of Satomi and Yuko from this episode.

Satomi Ishihara: Reinoryokusha Odagiri Kyoko no Uso ep. 5 screenshots

 As mentioned bit of a so-so episode was the last one, Satomi was fine but had said in her previous post about the drama that her character Kyoko was getting a bit stranger but also funnier, not for this show though as she really was a bit subdued, maybe that's what hurt this latest episode.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Kazue Fukiishi turns 30 today, a look through the years #1

 Kazue is another fave of mine who I've sort of ignored, only one post for her from a TV movie she was in this July, for some reason she hasn't been in enough mags or other assorted things which is hard to believe because she truly is one fantastic looking woman. Do have some things which I've had for a while and keep forgetting to post here, guess today is the perfect time as she's turning 30 today so have some really superb posts with many things of Kazue coming up, to start off this is her YSVW #29 spread from I think 2001, has well over 100 pics, think you'll really like it.

 As I said it's got over 100 pics, too many to post so this is probably even better, you can download the entire spread right here:

Kazue Fukiishi turns 30 today, a look through the years #2

 This Kazue spread is from 2002 and is entitled PJ, not sure what exactly it was for, wasn't a photobook nor from a mag, think it was a special series that featured others besides her, it's Vol. 1 so will try to hunt down the others to see who else is in them but it's quite rare so may have a hard time finding more, however that doesn't matter because what really matters is Kazue in these pics, if you're a fan you know how magnificent she looks, if you don't know much about her then check these out!