Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Sayaka Tomaru: Even more recent tidbits....

 Should be another Sayaka post coming up very soon as she'll be the cover gal for the next issue of Young Gangan and expect her to be in a few more upcoming mags. Reason for that is Sayaka released her first photobook on January 25th, title of it is "Ha no Tomaru", lets hope it sells well and wouldn't doubt if it does. She did have a book in 2016 but don't think it was an official PB.
 Should sell well because Sayaka had a cloud campaign for the PB as she tried to raise 3.5 million yen to make the book. She ended up raising a bit over 3 million yen which was fairly close and it shows she has many fans. Don't know why her agency couldn't have picked up the costs as Sayaka has gotten rather popular these last two years, much more so after her Idol group FYT disbanded. On that date of the 25th there was a event for the PB held at the Fukuya bookstore in Shinjuku.

 Still eleven months to go in the year but Sayaka's PB will set the standard for all to top and very few will be able to do that, here's the book's cover along with some promo pics.

 Sayaka is now a radio show host as she started as a DJ for J-Wave back in October. That channel has many celebrity hosts and for now she does the fourth Friday of the month.

 Last post had twenty pics from the January Bomb-TV, shocked me there weren't more pics. Actually there were more and quite a few of them to be exact as here's the second half of the collection.  Sayaka is knocking on the door of being my fave gravure Idol, how does one top these pics? No video of the PB event so after the pics have a CM from X-Mas 2016 for Monster Strike.