Friday, August 31, 2018

Yuka Ogura: YS-Web #815 scans part two

 Was able to squeeze in one more post before the hops started flowing and know most out there can't go more than ten days without a new batch of Yuka pics and can't blame you for that.. This is part two of the YS-Web collection for August which covers the third and fourth weeks. Much smaller set than they normally are, usually there's close to seventy pics in these sets. Just 38 of them for today but least Yuka's quality of sultriness makes up for the lack of quantity.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Nashiko Momotsuki: Her intro post #1- WPB-Net #221 scans part one

 Holiday weekend so may take a pair of days off as there's many lagers with Nao's name on them though may try to squeeze a post in tomorrow. After introducing an announcer last week thought what genre hasn't been covered here yet? Took a lot of thought and doing that is difficult for me but came upon the answer of a .... cosplayer! There are many of them out there and quite a few look darn good but not as stupefying as today's gal.

 Nashiko is a name I've never heard before and hopefully it's a name we'll be seeing much more of. For a long time Nashiko was a cosplayer, she still is but has branched off to modeling and appearing at many events though so far no acting gigs. Nashiko will be turning 23 in November, bit surprised I had never heard of her until recently as she's one fine looking woman.
 Should have a few more posts for her coming up, one will be part two of this collection and today is for the first two weeks of August. Also coming up will be some pics from her many events plus there's been some recent Nashiko mag spreads, today's set is quite huge at 103 electrifying pics.