Cobalt Blue is the story of three childhood friends—Ryoko (Masami Nagasawa), Kazuya (Shinji Rachi), and Daisuke (Seiji Fukushi)—who grow up together on a remote island of Okinawa. Ryoko’s mother, Yukiko Morishita (Misato Tanaka), is a world-renowned pianist who arrives from Tokyo to recuperate from an illness. She falls in love with a fisherman, Ryuji Nakamura, then marries him and gives birth to their daughter Ryoko shortly before passing away. Two boys, Daisuke and Kazuya, are born the same year as Ryoko, and the three children grow up like brothers and sisters, but as they near adulthood, they each begin heading toward their own separate paths. Kazuya decides to remain on the island to become a fisherman, while Daisuke is accepted into an art school in Naha (on the main island of Okinawa), and Ryoko considers leaving the island to study nursing. But during the spring of their 18th year, Kazuya sings a song of love, “Tubarama,” to Ryoko, forever changing the relationship between the three friends.
Now Ryoko quits her dream of becoming a nurse for the island and remains there becoming Kazuya's girlfriend. Kazuya wants to get married but is rebuffed by Ryoko's father who feels they are still too young and tragically, Kazuya in an effort to prove that he's a real man goes scuba diving for the 'perfect' coral for Ryoko only to end up dying in his quest. This sends Ryoko into a semi comatose state, even the return of Daisuke to the island fails to improve her that much. And like Kazuya, Daisuke also goes diving for the 'perfect' coral to give to Ryoko, almost dying in his efforts only to be rescued by Ryoko's father.
That's really just the basic summary of the film, as much of a fan of I am of Masami it's quite hard to recommend this film. Masami is good and looks great, having Kuranosuke Sasaki in the film as her father is also good but the film itself is just so poor, very slow and just drags along, to be honest it's not hard to nod off watching it. If you're a Masami fan it may be worth a watch but she's been in better films, actually every one she's been in has been better, I would rate it a 5/10 and that's from a big fan of Masami.
Year- 2009 Running Time- 119 minutes
Cast- Masami Nagasawa, Seiji Fukushi, Shinji Rachi, Yoriko Doguchi, Kuranosuke Sasaki
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