Saturday, May 14, 2011

Taisetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta synopsis

 Erika's last drama which finished at the end of March was called Taisetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta, yeah what a long title, in English it means You Taught Me All the Precious Things. Quickie synopsis below...
 Erika and Haruma Miura play two teachers, Natsumi Uemura and Shuji Kashiwagi, at the same high school who are set to get married in half a year. However, the night before the school year's opening ceremony, Shuji becomes involved with the young Hikari Saeki (EmiTakei), without realizing that she will be a student in his class starting the next day. As Shuji struggles to help Hikari deal with the mental complex she is suffering from, he is also torn inside by his betrayal of Natsumi. Meanwhile, Hikari attempts to get closer to Natsumi, driven by feelings of jealousy and a desire to destroy the couple's relationship.

 Hikari succeeds in driving Natsumi and Shuji apart, their wedding gets canceled, plus the night in question between Hikari and Shuji gets found out by all, first leading to Shuji getting suspended and eventually fired when it comes out that Natsumi is pregnant with his child, all think that he wants to abandon her but actually it's the opposite. However slowly the couple eventually get back together when Natsumi realizes that all along Shuji has been innocent of any wrong doing and the wedding is back on but the school won't give him his position back even though he's really innocent of doing anything amiss.
 Being a drama, our two main characters do end up getting married and having a child and it looks like they'll live happily ever after. Guess how this ending turned out is what kind of spoiled the drama, for 2/3 of the series had some really good storylines going on but it just wrapped up too nicely, everyone in the show ended up all happy, makes you wonder what was the point of the storylines if everyone returned to their same position as when the show started only better off in some cases.

 Of course being an Erika drama would recommend it but just could have been so much better, after such a solid beginning it sort of petered out at the end. Besides everything wrapping up so nicely a thing that dragged the show down was Shuji's screentime, his scenes with Hikari or in front of his class would go on sometimes up to 10 minutes straight, really got a bit tiring and really hurt the pace of the show. Still worth a watch, perhaps a second viewing will change some thoughts but Erika has been in better dramas, check below for the whole cast plus many posts after this one with screenshots of Erika from every episode and a quickie recap on each one.

Erika Toda as Natsumi Uemura
Haruma Miura as Shuji Kashiwagi
Emi Takei as Hikari Saeki
Yuki Uchida as Aya Mizutani
Mariko Shinoda as Sayaka Soda
Morio Kazama as Satoshi Tsuruoka
Masahiko Nishimura as Yosifumi Nakanishi
Ayame Gouriki as Nozomi Sonoda

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