Friday, September 28, 2012

Kazue Fukiishi turns 30 today, a look through the years #1

 Kazue is another fave of mine who I've sort of ignored, only one post for her from a TV movie she was in this July, for some reason she hasn't been in enough mags or other assorted things which is hard to believe because she truly is one fantastic looking woman. Do have some things which I've had for a while and keep forgetting to post here, guess today is the perfect time as she's turning 30 today so have some really superb posts with many things of Kazue coming up, to start off this is her YSVW #29 spread from I think 2001, has well over 100 pics, think you'll really like it.

 As I said it's got over 100 pics, too many to post so this is probably even better, you can download the entire spread right here:

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