Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Kie Kitano: Joukyou Monogatari promo event pics and movie trailer

 Kii's next movie is scheduled to be released on August 24th and is called Joukyou Monogatari, looks like it may be a good movie, least by the trailer and short synopsis of it. Kii plays Natsumi who moves to Tokyo to enter a university but ends up with a deadbeat boyfriend who she ends up dumping and right after that a book she was working on ends up getting published. That's all I really know about, though she's not in enough movies they all have been good watches so sure this one will be too. On Monday she had the first promo event for the film, some pics here fro it as she exudes more cuteness than anyone in history plus right after them check out the trailer for the movie. Also the film has had one showing already and that was the Okinawa Film Festival on March 25th, long gap between that and the actual release.

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