Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Miori Takimoto: July 2013 news #1

 Said #1 in the heading because I hope there will be more news coming out for her which should be happening as Miori is starring in the next Sadako 3D movie which is coming out in August, should be much more news coming up on that soon. First off is just a small two page spread from the July issue of Men's Non-no.

 From the July 6th Ahoyanen! Sukiyanen! show, think that's the right translation.

 The above screenshots was Miori doing some promoting for the anime film Kaze Tachinu which is coming out on July 20th, she'll be doing the voice of the main heroine Satomi Naoko. These pics below are from a new interview for the movie that came out today for Oricon Style, looking better each day!

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