Friday, August 30, 2013

Miori Takimoto: "Sadako 3D 2" movie premiere pics and video

 Usually movies in Japan open up on Saturdays, don't know why this was released a day earlier, perhaps to make sure it hits the #1 spot? First movie that starred Satomi did and would think this one will too, probably didn't need to open a day early to hit the top spot. Didn't find as many pics or videos form the premiere which surprised me a bit, perhaps more will be coming out but we'll do with what we have, Miori looks fantastic as usual as these pics prove plus after the pics check out a video from the premiere, hopefully she'll still be doing more promo work for the film after today.

Nogizaka46: 2013 magazine scans #2- Mai Shiraishi

 Called this #2 but actually it's probably going to be mainly Mai Shiraishi mag scans, she does look mighty fine in all of them, actually she looks mighty fine all of the time. Leading off is one her better spreads, this is from the July 10th issue of G-Flash.

 Bit of an oldie here, from the September 2012 issue of Samurai ELO.

 Back to current scans, July 12th issue of Friday.

 And one more terrific spread of Mai's, will be back with more of her scans but think for the next post will have someone else from the group, probably Nanami or Nanase.... last one here is from Young Gangan #10.

Maki Horikita: Mugiko-san movie press conference pics and video

 Didn't hear much from Maki for a while but she's back and busier than ever, her new drama starts in October and also she just finished filming her latest movie "Mugiko-san". It's scheduled to come out on December 21st and Maki was at a press conference for it yesterday, here's some terrific pics of her from the event plus right after that check out a video for it.