Sunday, November 10, 2013

Erika Toda: SPEC movie celebration pics

 Just like the first SPEC theater movie the new "SPEC Close- Progress Version" also finished it's first week #1 at the box office. Yesterday they had a little celebration for that but also because there's already been over a million people who have seen it, that's what the cake was for. But also the cake was for Ryo who was celebrating his birthday yesterday, but we all know what the main event was and of course it was Erika being there, wow did she look fantastic, true she always looks that way but truly is getting more stunning by the minute. And for all the SPEC fans the final movie is opening up on November 29th, supposed to be the last one ever which is a shame, sure there will be a few more promo events like the ones they've had recently.


  1. recently she's been opting for black and one-side pigtail. i wonder why is that...
    anyway, hope i can watch this movie soon... and watch Soma again! :D

  2. Unless you live in Japan it'll probably be a while until we can view the movie, true about her hair, also noticed she's letting it grow long again.
