Monday, December 2, 2013

Maki Horikita: Miss Pilot drama episodes 6 & 7 recap

Main Cast:

Maki Horikita as Haru Tezuka, pilot in training
Saki Aibu as Chisato Oda, pilot in training
Takumi Saito as Konosuke Kinukida, training instructor
Koichi Iwaki as Kazutoyo Shinozaki, pilot
Shotaro Mamiya as Taiji Kishii, pilot in training
Yu Konayagi as Sho Kotari, pilot in training
Nanami Sakuraba as Suzu Abeno, Taiji's girlfriend

 Would think this drama has only 10 episodes so we're getting real close to the end, shame as it hasn't been what you would consider a classic series but a real solid and enjoyable one, probably end up being my #2 drama for this quarter which sadly is a bit weak.
 Time in this show really jumps ahead quickly, started out in the Fall of 2009, for these two episodes it's between December 2012 and March 2013, their training is coming close to being complete. Not as much training for all our potential pilots but it's much more intense and daring, having to fly a plane without seeing outside the plane and a few other tough things like that, there's no fooling around as all the trainees have to be prepared for anything out of the ordinary. During this tougher training all have failed at some time or another, the one with flying blind was the hardest by far, all but one failed during the first test. If you fail a second time you're out, no chance to take it again and once you're out of the training program you're out for good, once a trainee fails they're not allowed to go through the program again.

 The above is what happened during most of episode 6, five of the trainees are taking the final test for the second time and those tests segue into episode 7. If you've been watching this show or reading the other recaps you could almost see what was coming up, out of the 5 that had to take the final test a second time only 4 passed, who was the one trainee who didn't? Haru by far would be the logical choice as she was so far behind everybody in the beginning, she also made a minor mistake when she was landing the plane during the test but obviously it wasn't too bad as she passed the final test. Up until this test Chisato had been the perfect trainee, really did get every single thing right up until this time whether it was in the classroom or on a plane. However during her two tests there were 2 unexpected things that happened, a bird hit the plane and there was a another plane in the vicinity during the second test. Chisato both times panicked, she was good as far as doing things when she knew what to expect, anything out of the ordinary she had problems with and those problems have led her to failing the final test, now there's zero chance of her ever becoming a pilot.

 Chisato kept a stiff upper lip but deep down was devastated, instead of helping the others celebrate the fact they were becoming pilots she went back to Japan. But she returned somewhat sneakily and took a different plane back and has disappeared. Haru was ready to leave and go back to Japan to find her and throw away all her training as there was one more task for the trainees to do before becoming official pilots. But after getting counseled by her instructor and having the support of the other trainees she remained as they said that's what Chisato would have wanted her to do. Of course Haru and the others passed the last obstacle, few of the previous test were much harder so know all are qualified to become a pilot.

 That's where the episode ends as the trainees have arrived back home, don't know how much more training they have to go through but would think a lot more. So far they've been at it for almost 3 years but have only flown small aircraft, next few episodes will probably be of them training on regular passenger planes. Unsure what's to become of Chisato, she can still work for the aviation company but can never be a pilot, the last we see of her in this episode she has a resignation letter in her hand and is heading to the office to turn it in.

 So that should bring us up to date, episode 6 was quite good with the trainees doing the final tests but the last episode was a bit slower, they did carry out Chisato failing and returning home just  atad too long, with only 3 more episodes would have liked to see the trainees finally start flying the big planes. That'll start I would think in episode 8, think them in the big passenger planes is going to be a good watch. Will be back in two weeks with a recap of episodes 8 & 9, then again haven't been watching many new ones so if the next one is really solid will be back sooner with a recap of that episode. Of course after this have a post of Maki screenshots from this show, not as many as the other episodes as Chisato had a bigger part than usual after she failed her final test.

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