Friday, December 27, 2013

Tsubasa Honda: December 2013 magazine scans

 For so long earlier this year I was doing too many Tusbasa posts to count, she was everywhere it seemed and then all of a sudden it stopped just like that. Don't know the reason, she's still very popular and looks fabulous, no clue why she hasn't been appearing in as many mag spreads nor attending many promo events. Just a few new spreads here, had been holding on to them hoping for more but that's not going to happen so needed to post these before they got too old. First off is a really solid set of pics from the December 10th issue of Weekly Ascii.

January issue of Non-no.

 Said there weren't too many new spreads and I wasn't lying as this is the last one, Tsuabasa from the February issue of Non-no.

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