Friday, February 14, 2014

Masmai Nagasawa: Chocolat drama episode 2 subbed screenshots

 Don't know how many episodes will be done but a bit of Masami's Chocolat drama that airs in Taiwan has been subbed, actually just episode 2 with her scenes. Can't really give a review of it as I've only seen her scenes from one episode which totaled a little over 12 minutes but it seems like it could be a good watch. Basic plot of the show revolves around Chiyoko who is a Japanese college student but runs away to Taiwan and gets mixed up with a gangster, main reason Chiyoko ran away to there was that her mother had come from there and had dated an ex-gangster. That's really about all I surmised from the little bit that was subbed, hopefully more episodes will be in the future. Masami, who I might add looks terrific as usual, plays two roles as Chiyoko and in flashbacks as her mother, she does an okay job speaking Mandarin but the flashbacks are dubbed as someone else does the speaking.


  1. where can i get the link to watch this episode?maybe i can download it,please help,hopefully i can get it,thanks

  2. Here's the link, videos are on YT but the quality is fairly good, there are a few other videos which you'll see from watching the first segment:
