Monday, March 3, 2014

Saki Fukuda: Ghost Friends drama episode 3 recap and screenshots

Air Date: April 2 to June 11, 2009 on NHK, it aired at 10:00 pm on Thursdays, rating was 3.6%.

Main Cast:

Saki Fukuda as Asuka Kamiya.... normal teen who for some reason can see and talk with ghosts
Takahiro Nishijima as Kaito Hayami.... he's a ghost
Ayame Misaki as Miku Aoyama.... one of Asuka's friends who died and is now a ghost
Ai as Yui Mishima.... Asuka's other friend who died and returned as a ghost
Noriko Iriyama as Misora Hongo.... the ghost who Kaito is chasing after
Nana Katase as Ayako Ono.... owns the cafe where Asuka works PT
Tomochika as Seiko Kamiya.... Asuka's dead mother who also returned as a ghost

 Asuka's feelings for Kaito have really increased, you'll see in many of the screenshots she keeps wondering is it possible for a human and a ghost to have a relationship? However she's kept how she really feels for Kaito from him, he's of course still in love with Misora as they were supposed to get married before they died but the way she's been acting will he still remain in love with her, many more episodes to see if that bond holds. Also want to mention we don't see all that much of her but Asuka's mother is also dead and like a few other ghosts she can see and communicate with her, still not sure why she can see some ghosts but yet not all of them.

 Another ghost possession this episode and it has to deal with another person I haven't talked about until now and that is Ayako. She owns the small cafe where Asuka works PT and there is one ghost who shortly before he died fell madly in love with her. He had zero chance of ever going out with her and knows that but that didn't stop him from trying to see her after his death. This ghost was possessing many bodies and kept going into the cafe to see her, when a ghost possesses a body for some reason they can do different things and one of them is being able to eat endlessly. That's what these bodies the ghost was using did, ordering massive amounts of food at the cafe so he could stay there just to see Ayako. Well eventually Asuka came to the cafe and knew it was a ghost and through her wisdom was able to persuade the ghost to leave her alone and go back to being a regular ghost.

 Actually every ghost except for Misora listens to what Asuka tells them to do, they never leave sad or angry but leave with a 'good attitude'. Most of the time the ghosts possess a body to do one final thing that they regretted not doing when they were alive, most of the time Asuka can help them with that final request, not this time though but at least the ghost went back to being a normal one somewhat cheerful. Kaito's quest for taking back Misora to the ghost world was put a bit on hold this episode, we don't see much of her this show which probably makes Asuka a bit happy as she certainly has fallen for Kaito, those feelings are still unknown to him.
 Hopefully that pretty much sums up what happened in this episode, not all that much happens each episode but still it never drags and has been consistently interesting throughout. All the 5 episodes to date have really followed the same formula with Asuka helping some ghost out with their final request and 2-3 storylines through all the shows such as Kaito trying to bring back Misora to the ghost world. If you've made it this far the shows to tend to get a bit better, think episode 4 which is next has been the best one so far.

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