Thursday, June 12, 2014

Rina Kawaei: 2014 magazine scans #3

 Rina and Anna seemed to come out of that incident doing well rather quickly, luckily neither one suffered any major injuries, guess something like that was due to happen sooner or later, think when nothing like that happens for a long time all the people from the top to the bottom may get a bit lax with security, sure it won't happen again. Do have some great new scans here to share, not many but all of them look mighty fine, first off are some with Haruka from the Summer issue of Girl Pop.

 Fantastic set of pics here from the June 26th issue of Young Jump.

 Another superb Rina spread here from the June 17th issue of Manga Action.

 Last spread for this post and like the above ones it's simply terrific, these pics are from the June issue of Entame.

1 comment:

  1. These photoshoot were taken before the incident. Kawaei has immobilized her arm and she said she cannot move her thumb yet. I wonder if they are gonna received some treatment for the cuts they may have in their arms
