Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Nogizaka46: Happy birthday to Mai and HTC promo event pics

 Just a simple happy birthday to Mai who turns 22 on August 20th, still the 19th over where I am but it's noontime in Japan. This is about the 50th post she's been in the last year, not many pics of her that have come out that haven't been posted here, she's still by far the #1 in the group if you look at the amount of mag spreads she's been in plus all her variety show appearances. No new pics here but just some of my faves, Mai is truly one beautiful woman, not many females out here can top her.

 On August 19th the group attended a press conference for HTC as they're going to be 'ambassadors' for their new J Butterfly phone. There's also a bit of a tie-in with the phone and their next single which is coming out in October, no title for it yet, it's their 3rd single in the last 6 months and of course the other two easily topped the charts in it's first week out. Pics here are from the press conference along with some promo ones, after them is the new CM for the J Butterfly phone.

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