Friday, November 7, 2014

Maki Horikita: November 2014 happenings #1

 Don't know how many are aware of the news but Maki has a drama starting up in January on TBS called "Pure White" aka Masshiro. She'll be playing a nurse in the show, won't give too many details as I don't know all that much as the news just came out about a week ago but the synopsis for it looks fairly interesting. This will be Maki's first drama since "Miss Pilot" aired in the Fall of 2013, know I'm not going to miss this new show and hopefully all her other fans are also going to be tuning in. Besides that just a few recent happenings, what has surprised me is that the "Higanbana" TV movie that aired last month hasn't been subbed, have watched it and it seems fairly good but I'm one who really needs subs to fully understand what happens. Not many things as I mentioned but they're all quite good things though especially these pics from a new interview from the Omosan Street site, she's also featured in their regular print magazine.

 Another small spread here but it still rates an A+, from the December issue of With.

 May have mentioned this last month but Maki will be appearing in another TV movie that will be airing in December and it's called "Kiri no Hata", think this is the 4th remake of the movie as the first edition of it came out in 1965, there was another remake of it in 1977 and think there may be one more. The movie has a mystery/suspense plot as she'll be playing a bit of an 'evil' character, it's another movie I won;t be missing and really hope this one will be subbed, here's a few promo pics from the movie's site.

 And lastly Maki on November 7th was in Akasaka at the 'White Sacas Illumination lighting ceremony', know she's illuminated us for many years! Sadly no video for it but here's some superb pics from the ceremony.

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