Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy 22nd birthday to Kasumi Arimura

 May not appear so by the amount of posts she has but Kasumi really is one of my faves, really hard to top her kawaiiness which she has kept even though she just turned 22 on Feb. 13th. First saw her in the SPEC drama from 2011 and have seen her in many other things though I don't do enough posting about them. Kasumi does have a lead role on a movie coming out on March 14th called "Strobe Light" so think we'll be hearing more from her in the next month then. Kasumi will also be in a drama starting up in April called "Welcome to Our Home" and besides the two things I listed she also has at least one more film coming out this year. Have a few better than magnificent Kasumi pics to celebrate her b-day but with the way she looks in these pics we're the ones who should be celebrating!


  1. thank you, i've been searching some kind of fanblog or news about her, and found your blog! Ibe become a fan after watching hiyokko. i'll start reading and saving picture from the first post tagged Kasumi arimura! Thank you very much!
