Sunday, February 8, 2015

Nogizaka46: 2015 magazine scans #9 and a few other other things....

 Not too many mag spreads as of late but sure soon there will once again be too many to keep up with once it gets closer to Match 18th which is when the group's 11th single will be released, still no title for it yet. Their last single "Nandome no Aozora ka?" is now their biggest selling single having just hit the 600,000 copies sold mark, must have had a bit of a resurge as it was stuck around the 550,000 mark after it's first month out, every single seems to sell a bit more than the previous one so perhaps another record will be set with their new one.
 Just added a box on the right side listing most of the member's birthdays, not all are listed but the majority of them are. Speaking of birthdays we need to wish one of my faves in Kazumi a happy one as she turned 21 on February 8th.

 Just two new mag spreads, first one is an A+ set of pics with Nanase and Nanami from the March issue of Bubka.

 Mai has been appearing more in mags recently which is a good thing but it's really nice to see her joined by Seira who has been rapidly climbing up my list of fave members, this spread is from the March issue of Entame.

 Always need that Nanami plug for each post, a few recent blog pics.

 The group made their third appearance on this week's AKB show which is where these screenshots are from. Don't have all that many because I'm hoping to be back soon with some more pics from the show, subbed ones actually as the first two times they were on the show it's been subbed so really hoping this one will be done too, fairly sure it will be but it's just a question of when.

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