Friday, April 10, 2015

Maki Horikita: 2015 magazine scans #2

 Forget the name of it but Maki has her second stage play opening next month, hasn't been any promoting for it yet but once more news of it comes out will be sure to post it here. Besides that know of nothing else in the works as there's zero new movies or dramas that she's scheduled to be in this year, hard to believe no films as Maki has appeared in so many over the years, quite often two a year.
 Just three new mag spreads but two of them are quite big and in total there's close to 40 pics, first off is this set from the May issue of Oz Plus.

 This is really a fine looking spread of Maki's and it's from the May issue of InRed.

 Last set is another fabulous spread and it's from the May/June issue of CM Now, Maki used to appear in this mag every month but it's her first time in many issues.

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