Sunday, April 5, 2015

Yuko Oshima: April 2015 happenings #2- TBS All Star show screenshots

 Keep trying to think of things to liven it up a bit here, not that it's not lively but sometimes having some sort of 'goal' or whatever will keep me working at something or someone. Maybe a 'Woman of the Month' category would be one to work on, I could concentrate on that woman for the whole month and perhaps do a lot more posting on them then I usually do or post some of the many old missing things from them.
 If there was going to a monthly female think Yuko will/would have that honor for April, have a feeling we're going to be hearing a lot from her, to me the more the better! Yuko's new drama "Yamegoku" starts on April 16th, on the 4th her and a few cast mates were at the seasonal TBS 'All Star Show' which they have at the beginning of every drama season. Yuko was a gamely participant in their games which are normal ones, she finished the road race though not on top but actually did well at archery, barely missed the bulls eye twice. Only bad thing about the show is that Tsubasa is in the new drama and with a big role too I think but sadly wasn't one of the cast who attended. Have many more Yuko screenshots from this show so perhaps there will be a part two if there's nothing new to post about her in the next few days.

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