Saturday, May 16, 2015

Erika Toda: "Kakekomi" movie premiere pics and new Suntory CM

 Surprised there wasn't more promoting for this film, Erika and the cast had two screenings at the beginning of April but hardly anything since then such as more screenings, interviews or magazine appearances. Really don't know if this is expected to be a huge hit, lot of times period era films like this one aren't hugely popular but then again there's quite a few stars in the movie plus no other big film came out this weekend.
 The movie premiered at the Marunouchi Piccadilly Theater in Tokyo, if I need to tell you how drop down stunning Erika looked then obviously this is the first post you've read here, every single pic of her could be described as drop down stunning! Erika's last film "April Fools" was #1 in it's first week put and stayed in the top ten for four weeks, big hit but it didn't have too much staying power, curious to see how this movie does at the box office. After these stupendous pics from the premiere there's a video of the event which is a solid watch but shame Erika wasn't the only one in the cast, much rather just view a video of her.

 Also last week Erika had a new CM for Suntory, she's had too many for them to count. Have plenty of screenshots of it here plus the video is right below the pics.

1 comment:

  1. Erika looks great in the MV.

    I'm actually surprised period dramas/movies don't do better in Japan. They do very well in China and Korea, and with the samurai lore Japan has, I thought it would be a no brainer for period pieces to do well in Japan.
