Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Erika Toda: "Yokuhan- The Pain" drama press conference pics

 Erika's latest film "Kakekomi" came out on May 16th, it's first weekend out it finished #3 at the box office which seems like a solid position. It's a period era film set in the 1870's which aren't as popular as they were decades ago, don't know how it did it's second week though. Erika's next film though is expected to be a huge hit, name of that is "Yokuhan" and it's coming out on June 6th, looks to be a real intense thriller.

 The following day on June 7th there's going to be a TV drama based on the film called "Yokuhan- The Pain". From what I can translate from Natalie is that it's a spin-off from the movie as Erika is the only one who is going to be in the film and drama. Think it's set about a year after the film ends so perhaps you need to see the movie first to understand completely what's going on. If anyone else has more info feel free to add a comment, if I find more out will be sure to post about it here. The drama will be airing on WOWOW, it's rare when their shows get subbed but let's cross our fingers.

 On May 25th a dazzling Erika and some of the cast of the drama held a press conference for the show. It was held at the Ebisu Garden Hall in Tokyo where they also had a screening of the drama. Wish there were more pics and a video but sadly these were all the pics I could rustle up, hard to take too much dazzlement at once though.

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