Can't recall such a long stretch of quietness like the group has been in recently, perhaps it's also good in a way as even though I really like them think were starting to be a bit overexposed which sometimes is not a good thing. So not all that many new mag spreads then but seeing as this is post #24 it's been about five posts a month on mag spreads which really is quite a few.
Mai has in just so, so many solo mag spreads but very few for this year and think this is her first solo one in about two months, these pics are from Larme #014.
Nanase from volume 3 of Flix.
Quite a few members from the June issue of Street Jack, there were two covers for it.
Mentioned there weren't too many new mag spreads and there aren't as this is the last one which is from WPB # 19-20.
Could you upload other members please, from flix magz