Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Nogizaka46: Mai Shiraishi throwing out the first pitch at the Tokyo Yakult Swallows game

 Mai has probably been busier than 98% of any Idol this year but not as busy as 2014 as her group mate Nanase seems to have eclipsed her as far as mag spreads and popularity goes. However with pics like these she just may retake that #1 spot, never thought of her as cute but she certainly looks that way in these pics, really better than ever.
 After the pics is a short video of Mai throwing that first pitch, my advice would be for her to stick with her day job but at least she was able to throw it to the plate without bouncing the ball, most Idols can't seem to throw it the 60 foot distance. What really would have topped the event off would have been if Nanami was there to also throw out a first pitch as The Swallows were playing the team from Hokkaido. Nanami comes from there and don't know how many here knew that plus can't recall her ever throwing out a pitch for her home team, could have had a little pitching duel between the pair.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, at least she did better than former SNSD member Jessica.

