Nothing to do with this post but seultoria was right and Erika wasn't in the first episode of the "Kokokuhan- The Pain" drama. Watched it and it wasn't a bad show though it would have helped if she was in it. What I'm thinking is that there's going to be one guest star for each episode who suffers the 'pain', they'll probably have her make her appearance on the final show.
Still can't believe there's no title yet for Nogi's 12th single which is coming out on July 22nd, going to be a bit of a rush job to promote it then as far as pics, interviews and things like that go. Once again Nanami was almost the center for the single, perhaps one of these times but though she's never the #1 member on a single she's always #2 or 3, wonder why she's never chosen for that top spot?
Not as big of a post as usual, some new pics but also a few that were in some of the group posts but kind of like to put all of Nanami's pics aside and have a solo post for her, if she can't be a center on any singles may as well have her be one here. First off are a few recent blog pics though she hasn't been updating it as much lately.
There's only been one recent mag spread but she does have a fantastic one coming out next week, more info on that below and this set of pics is from volume 18 of Free Cell.
Not sure if these cards for May were posted but if not here they are again but almost positive all of them weren't, following them are ones that were missed from February.
Mentioned above about a new Nanami mag spread coming out next week and she'll be the feature female in the next issue of YS-Web. Posted a few promo pics for that spread but a few new ones have been released, there have been beyond superb Nanami pics posted here but it looks like this spread will top them all, they kind of leave me speechless.
Nice Post!