Sunday, August 9, 2015

Erika Toda: "Erika from the Vault" #25- Sabra-Net scans from 2009.... part one

 Blew my mind that I had forgotten to post Erika's 2008 Sabra-Net scan until yesterday, now my mind is really blown! Because I've also neglected to post her 2009 spread for them which was titled "Destruction", it's truly a magnificent set of pics.
 With over 280 posts there was no reason for me to think that these had been forgotten but they were, have posted a few odd pics here and there but that's been it. Now I need to take a better look at what's been posted as if these were missed sure there's a few other things that my empty brain has omitted to post. Kind of good and bad if there are more things.... good that's there would be a few new things for here to post about but on the other hand with 280 posts how could they have gotten lost in the shuffle?
 On to the pics, the 2008 set had 40 but this one has a grand total of 80 so have split them up into two posts as Erika is going to somehow try to catch Nogi and regain the top spot for total posts again.

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