Friday, August 7, 2015

Tsubasa Honda: "Koinaka" drama episode 3 recap and screenshots

 Start Date: Monday, July 20th on Fuji-TV at 9:00 pm

Main Cast:

Tsubasa Honda as Akari Serizawa
Sota Fukushi as Aoi Miura
Shuhei Nomura as Aoi Shota
Taiga as Kouhei Kanazawa
Sakurako Ohara as Nanami Miura
Mizuki Yamamoto as Mirei Tominaga
 Karen Otomo as Kokone Yamasiro
Yui Ichikawa as Ruiko Saeki

 All caught up with this drama now as this episode aired Monday, problem is now that it means it'll be a week before there will be another episode to view. Not that it's been a terrific drama to date but it's been fairly enjoyable, bit predictable but all in all if you're wondering whether to watch it would tell you that it's worth a view especially if you're a Tsubasa fan as she looks just so dazzling in this show. Actually she didn't have a huge amount of screen time in this episode, didn't take nearly as many screenshots so there's only going to be this one post for the show and no second post dedicated to screenshots.

 Last episode ended with Akari and Miura finally connecting after not seeing each other for seven years, things started out a bit slow for them but it appears as they're quickly becoming as close as they once were. The problem for Miura though is that Akari has been seeing Shota for some time now, he's the one who introduced them again and he's wondering if that wasn't a mistake as they're once again becoming close to each other.
 Shota is not going to take a chance with Akari being stolen from him and he lets Miura know that once Akari passes her exam to become a teacher that he's going to propose to her. Miura didn't let Shota know his true feelings but then again he didn't have much choice, Akari will probably accept the proposal and there's nothing Miura can do to prevent that.
 Least things are going better for Miura at the small architect company he works for, he may even be able to finally do some designs for a new house. But Shota is doing much better, not sure how much more time he has as an intern but don't think it'll be too long before he becomes a doctor. He also was able to get a part time position for Akari tutoring one of his patients who is in high school, I'm thinking he arranged it to keep tabs on her and to keep her away from Miura.

 The other major development in this episode was about Akari's father who had disappeared from her life, she's been looking for him for quite a few years with zero success. One day though Miura noticed him working at a construction site, he didn't tell Akari but instead told Shota so he could connect the two back together. Unsure why but he didn't do that, Shota didn't even tell Akari about finding her father and thinks it would be a good idea to forget about him.
 Akari can't understand why he said that but he's got a devilish plan for them not to meet, unsure though why he doesn't want them to meet, perhaps because he'd try to get Akari and Miura back together? Akari did see her father one day on the street, she chased after him but somehow she wasn't able to find him, however at least she knows he's in the area. Finally the plan Shota had was to get her father away from Tokyo as soon as possible, right near the end of the show he gives the father about $10,000 to leave the city and to never see Akari again and he agreed to that.
 Finally at the show's end looks like things for Akari and Shota re going to take a turn for the worst, least for him. Akari was alone at his apartment when she discovered an old One Piece manga from her high school days, it was one that she had put in Miura's desk. In the manga she had left a note for her and Miura to meet at the fireworks show one year after they left school but unknown to her Shota had sent he book and kept it form Miura. Don't know why he didn't get rid of it but he didn't, now all these years alter Akari found the book with the note still inside, she thought that Miura jsut didn't want to see her at the fireworks show. But of course Miura knew nothing about it and still doesn't, now that Akari has found the note what's going to happen with the relationship she has with Shota.

 Solid view though certainly not a must watch though finding myself liking this much more than I thought I would, it's never boring plus the episodes seem to be getting better. As mentioned only took about half the screenshots I usually do, not as much of Tsubasa in this episode an as a matter of fact had to include many others to get an okay amount of screenshots. Will be back hopefully at this time for another recap which will be for the fourth episode.

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