Saturday, September 26, 2015

C-ute: A little of this and that for 2015 #4

 It's really been such a slow period lately for newer things, have been doing a few 'oldie posts' lately but don't want to use all those pics up quite yet as every now and again there is a stretch like this. Usually it happens during that period when a season's dramas have finished and the next season hasn't started yet so the next few days there may not be as many posts but been doing so many recently a break is okay.
 Do have a few new things for C-ute though, their 28th single is coming out on October 28th which is not a good date for them as Nogi46's next single is also coming out on that date. The single is called "Arigato ~ Mugen no Yell ~", the group's last ten singles have been either #2, 3 or 4 on the charts so see no reason why that trend wouldn't continue.
 Thought Airi had a photobook coming out this month but guess I was wrong as there wasn't any info anywhere on it, it's been a while since her last PB. Maimi however had a superb book that came out last month called "Nobody Knows 23", scans for that were posted here a few weeks ago. Here's a spread she did promoting it and these pics are just as good too, this set is from the October issue of UTB.

 Group spread from the October issue of Fine Boys.

 That's it for the new things, like I mentioned it's an awfully slow period right now. Also mentioned above was that the group's 28 single is coming out next month, their previous one came out in April and was called "Middle Management". That single reached #3 on the Oricon weekly charts, here's some cards and promo pics for the single.

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