Saturday, September 12, 2015

Nogizaka46: "Hatsumori Bemars" drama episodes 8 and 9 recaps

Nanase Nishino as Nanamaru
Erika Ikuta as Chopin
Kazumi Takayama as Kote
Nanami Hashimoto as Marukyu
Rina Ikoma as Academy
Yumi Wakatsuki as Imadoki
Manatsu Alimoto as Harvard
Reika Sakurai as Bunan 
Sayuri Matsumura a sYuutsu
Mai Fukagawa as Kachan
Mai Shiraishi as Kirei
Misa Eto as Shelly

 Will try to keep the two reviews the same length as one, won't be easy to do but will try not to make this post as long as a tome. Know that there's at least two more episodes which would which would bring it to a total of eleven, then again depending on what happens in the next show there actually could be a total of 12, things were really stretched out quite a bit in these two episodes.
 Episode eight the Bemars were preparing for their semi-final game though it didn't start until the final minute of that show. Already gave a brief recap of the 8th episode but in it Imadoki has been suspended from the team due to her failing an exam, as the hsow ended she was taking a remake meaning she couldn't play in the game. Also Nanamura was learning a new pitch called Su-Ro-To which is a strange kind of cureveball. The team they're playing in the semi-finals is a powerful team that lost in the championship game last year so Nanamura thought having a new pitch would be the only way for the Bemars to win.

 On tot he game which takes place in episode 9, skipped through the 8th episode quickly but will add more in about the show in the next post of screenshots from the episode. Nanamura had kept trying to learn that new Su-Ro-To pitch before the game but could never throw it properly, however during the first batter of the game she was suddenly able to finally throw it correctly.
 What a powerful pitch it was as none of the opposing batters was able to even hit a foul ball off of Nanamura who ended up throwing a perfect game. The problem though was the the opposing team's pitcher who matched Nanamura going into the bottom of the seventh. No base hit but the the second weakest Bemars hitter who is Bunan ended up getting hit by a pitch bringing up the team's weakest hitter in Yuutsu.
 She managed to chop at the hit and ended up hitting it about 20 feet, should have been an easy play at first but the ball eluded the first baseman and rolled far enough for Bunan to try to score from first base. In one of those bang-bang plays at the plate she slid right as the catcher caught the ball, call could have gone either way but the call was safe as the Bemars advance to the championship game against the defending chaps Polaris.

 Beating the Polaris is going to be one difficult chore as they are so dominating, they just don't win they annihilate the other team with scores like 182-0! And as a matter of fact Nanamura's new pitch won't work against the Polaris team as Nanamura accepted a mini challenge from one of their players. She tried that pitch on their catcher Shelly who hit it right out of the park, Nanamura and the team have no clue what they are to do to beat the Polaris team At show's end though Nanamura and the team's manager have planned to create a new pitch no one has seen yet, what the pitch will be we don't know as it will be revealed next show,

 Hopefully we'll learn what that new pitch will be in the next episode but the way these two episodes were really stretched out we just may not learn what it is until the 11th show. Wish there was a little more game action but still these were two fairly enjoyable episodes, once again too they did win in dramatic fashion but at least this time it wasn't by a homer in the bottom of the seventh.
 Fairly positive there will be a recap next week but not totally sure either, if it's a two-parter for the championship game will once again combine the two episodes into one review. Few more screenshots from this episode and have two more posts after this with them from both of these episodes.

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