Saturday, October 3, 2015

Miyuki Watanabe: 2015 magazine scans #3

 Hard to believe this is only Miyuki's third mag spread post of the year, to me her spreads may be the best of all the AKB family members yet this is her first one since February, why isn't she in more mags? What's a bigger crime is that with all these photobooks that have come out the last few months we still haven't seen her second one, that first PB "Milky" was very successful so another question is why hasn't there been another one?
 Miyuki turned 22 back on September 19th and seems she's more popular than ever, she placed #12 at the last Senbatsu election back in June which is her highest ranking to date. On to the mag spreads, first is a smaller set of pics from volume #004 of Overture.

 That one above was a bit conservative but this one surely isn't, Miyuki looking better than ever in the November issue of Bubka.

 Another set of fabulous pics from the November issue of Entame.

 Last thing are some pics from two interviews Miyuki has done for

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