Monday, November 23, 2015

Siren drama: Episode five recap and screenshots

Start Date: Tuesday, October 20th at 9:00 pm Episode 5 rating: 8.5%

Main Cast:

Tori Matsuzaka as Shinobu Satomi
Fumino Kimura as Yuki Inokuma
Nanao as Kara Tachibana
Eiichiro Funakoshi as Minoru Ando
Hiromitsu Kitayama as Sho Hayami
Jun Kaname as Kei Tsukimoto (it's wrong on Asianwiki)
Sayaka Yamaguchi as Hiroko Chitose
Ren Osugi as Fumikazu Inokuma
Ken Mitsuishi as Kohei Watari
Guest Stars
Hinako Sano as Ai
Anna Iriyama as Rena

 Would think this series just hit the halfway point, not sure but it'll probably be ten episodes long. Really going to need the last five episodes then to clear up all these questions and mysteries, though nothing new to the plot was added in this episode things are all around are really getting deeply intense. Not that they're masterpieces but if you haven't read the previous posts for this drama it may be a good idea to do so as I refer quite often to some past events plus you'll get a better feel for this series.

 Going back to the end of episode three which was when Kara made a huge mistake in 'murdering' Tsukimoto as she wasn't aware that someone was watching her do the deed. That person, Maya, was attacked shortly after by Kara but somehow survived. For two episodes now Maya has remained in a coma though, she's the only witness to one of Kara's crimes so the question is will she ever wake up?
 Another question is about the status of Tsukimoto, we haven't heard anything about him for two episodes so what's happened to him? As far as the police are concerned he's still the prime suspect in the serial killings but we don't know for sure whether Kara did kill him as his body has yet to be recovered.
 Like the previous episode Satomi is the only one convinced that Kara has had a hand in the serial killings, actually to him she could be the killer and not Tsukimoto. His attempts to follow Kara and gather evidence have failed miserably up until now as even though he tails her in disguise she's always aware of where he is. Some reasons because for her awareness are because she planted a tracking device on his police car, can't believe no one at the force has found it yet. Plus in this episode she's planted a bug in his apartment, now she can listen to everything going on there.
 Currently Kara is living in an apartment building right across from Satomi, she can also watch his every move but she also has another secret apartment. Through the aid of the two hostesses Ai and Rena Satomi was able to discover the location of that place, he and Rena were able to sneak into it. However they were unable to find any evidence there, it was a barren apartment with a bed the only piece of furniture and it looked like it would have been an excellent place to hide Tsukimoto. Kara did return to the apartment and though Satomi appeared to put everything back in place she figured out that someone was there, to her there was no doubt it was Satomi. Actually he did find one bit of evidence there which were some pills, he took one of them which the lab diagnosed as some heavy duty sedatives which I think she used on Tsukimoto to make him appear dead.

 Haven't talked too much about Yuko the last few recaps as the story is really revolving around Kara and Satomi. But it looks like she finally has the chance to get promoted and move up to the First Division but for some unknown she doesn't exactly turn the offer but asks for some time to think it over. That could be a big mistake on her part as Hiyama has learned about the promotion and it looks like he's making plans to sabotage it. Still don't know much about Hiyama as most everything he does is to prevent Satomi and Yuki from moving ahead in the department, just another character in this show who we need some answers to. He even confronted Kara at her hostess job to find out where she got some key information that was passed along to Yuki, Kara though refused to help him out.
 Won't make this too much longer, quite a bit does happen in the show but would rather not give away everything in case you may plan on watching it. The major development in this episode had to deal with a crime that happened eight years ago when Satomi was a rookie policeman. He was first on the scene as a young man around his age was found murdered, it's a case that has never been solved but through some current events it just may.
 The murdered man's name was Tooru who had been a delivery person for a liquor company, that has nothing to do with the case but was does is who his girlfriend was. She doesn't appear to be old enough but eight years prior Kara was Tooru's girlfriend, what connection could that have with the recent serial killings. Satomi finds out about that relationship and thinks that because the case is still unsolved Kara may hold a grudge against the police. And the biggest grudge she may hold could be against Satomi and that may be because he was first on the scene but he never had anything to do with the investigative work. Have a feeling the detective leading that case may have been Yuki's father, Kara's main purpose is to hurt Yuki so could the reason be because her father couldn't or wouldn't find the killer. But who knows, perhaps Kara also had something to do with that murder.

 At episode's end Satomi and Yuki are having another squabble, this pair had never argued before Kara arrived on the scene and for now looks like their marriage plans are up in the air. That final scene was when we also learned that Kara had bugged Satomi's apartment, seems like she'd make a better detective than he would.
 That should sum things fairly well, once again no new murders but you get the impression they haven't completely stopped yet. Seems as though there's more new questions though with each passing episode, so far there's been very few answers to any of them which means the last five episodes could be very interesting.
 It's true that dramas in general have gone way downhill the last few years but this has been one of the better series in recent years, least up until this episode would give it a solid recommendation. Let's hope the drama stays then during the second half of it's run, there have been a few other series the last few years which were good for it's first half then faded badly after that. As I usually took a whole slew of screenshots which you can check out in the next post.

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