Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mirei Kiritani: Happy 26th birthday!!!! part two- just some jaw-dropping(of course) pics

 Couple older Mirei b-day pics above from her blog, she's like a few others as in she doesn't update it as much these days. Should be easy to hit that 100th post for her soon as in January Mirei has the lead in a new drama called "Sumika Sumire", don't know the start date yet but it'll be airing Friday nights on TV-Asahi. Not many details yet but there should be some promoting for the show after the new year plus that will be a series I'll be reviewing here.
 Was looking for another participant for the 'from the vault' series, think Mirei is going to be that person very soon. Have done some older things for her but never labeled them that way, perhaps I'll go back and change them to that label. Then after that have noticed there are enough various older things to post about her so if you're a fan expect to start seeing many more posts for her. Besides the above post nothing new going on with Mirei so let's just enjoy some beyond perfect pics of her, most have been posted already but if you're brand new here then think you'll really love them.

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