Sunday, December 6, 2015

Nogizaka46: 2015 magazine scans #74- Update Girls volume 2

 Been noticing a lot of the recent AKB mag spreads, they really seem to have to dress so skimpy to keep their fans. Not that there's anything wrong with dressing skimpy as the next posts prove but actually prefer the conservative style of Nogi, seems they don't have to do spreads like that to increase their fan base. Mentioned it a few times before about the X-Mas shows that are upcoming for the group, the Undergirls will have two shows at Budokan on December 17th and 18th. The group's main performance will take place on the 20th and it will be streamed live so it should be easy to obtain a video of the show so be prepared for many posts on those concerts.
 Just the one spread but there are a total of 22 pics so figured why not post them now instead of holding on to them. There are five members in the spread and will start off with three of them which are Manatsu, Ranze and Yumi.

 Other two members are Hinako and Minami who has her second big spread in two days.

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