Sunday, December 27, 2015

Nozomi Sasaki: A little of this and that for 2015 #8....

 I tend to overlook Nozomi quite often, for some reason just seem to forget about her which is a shame as there's always something to post about her. For her though 2015 was somewhat of a quiet year, true she was much busier than most others but not nearly as busy as she has been in the past. She was in two movies but just one drama and haven't heard any news of her appearing in one for 2016 yet. Nozomi is another person who has quietly snuck up there as far as getting older goes as she'll be turning 28 in about six weeks.
 Will hold off on posting too many things today, maybe if I leave out a few items won't forget about her so quickly. First set of pics is from the F*ing Autumn/Winter collection.

 Two smallish Nozomi spreads from Non-no, five pics for December and three for January.

 Much bigger spread which is from the January issue of With.

 Final Nozomi item for the day is this set of pics from the February(!) issue of Oggi.

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