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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Saki Fukuda: "Legal High" drama episode two recap and screenshots

 Season one air dates: April 17 to June 26, 2012   Average rating: 12.5%

Main Cast:

Masato Sakai as Kensuke Komikado
Yui Aragaki as Machiko Mayuzumi
Katsuhisa Namase as Choichiro Miki
Eiko Koike as Kimie Sawachi
Kotaro Satomi as Hattori

Episode two guest stars: 

Saki Fukuda as Bonita Arakawa/Hanae Yamauchi
Masataka Kubota as Danjo

 This is one of those dramas that I've viewed yet didn't do any reviews for it, there's really no set pattern for the ones I do or don't review here. If you recall a few days ago mentioned that I watched this episode and had posted about it in Saki's now defunct blog but forgot to copy that post over to here so hence another re-watch of this episode was needed. Think it's the fourth time I've watched and can see watching it a few more times as this was one fine show, not a must watch but one that's highly recommended.
 Shouldn't be a long recap, having to do it a second time kind of irks me that I forgot to copy that post over as a two minute job turns into about a forty minute one. Saki plays Bonita in this episode, her real name in the show is Hanae but that's far from a punk name as Saki's character is true fledged punk rocker. Least on the outside she is, others don't think it because of her looks but Bonita is actually a really nice and smart person.
 One day leaving her parent's shop Bonita hears a song on the radio called "That Was Love", it was her first time hearing it but it was a very popular tune selling over two million copies. The song was written by a very hot writer named Satoshi who has written many hit songs over the last few years, the song was sung by an older woman named Shizuka.

 Though that song was a bit of a slow one Bonita could immediately tell that the song ripped off one she wrote called "Don't Look Back" which was a punkish tune. The songs weren't 100% similar but close enough to Bonita who then decided to try to obtain damages for being ripped off.
 Legal High's main character is Kensuke who has never lost a case in court, though having a perfect record his funds have dwindled to almost nothing. He likes to spend, spend and spend even more on things he doesn't need which is how he's in that situation. Bonita along with her guitarist Danjo meet with Kensuke and his lawyer assistant Machiko hoping they'll take on the case to sue Satoshi for stealing her song. At first Kensuke refuses the pair but is so desperate for cash he eventually says yes as he'll accept $370 and half of whatever they win in court.
 Satoshi is represented by Kensuke's rival Miki who also has a perfect record in court except for the times he's had to go against Kensuke who he has always lost to. Satoshi keeps telling Miki that he wrote the song alone but it does come out that he has some ghostwriters working with him but he says none of them stile Bonita's song. Things are looking good for Miki and Satoshi in court on day one as Bonita shows up in her punk attire and when things aren't going their way Danjo ends up creating a huge commotion in the courtroom.

 Day one doesn't deter Kensuke at all as he goes all out to prove Satoshi stole Bonita's tune, at first he didn't believe it happened but now he does which makes him go all out to win her damages. Kensuke finds an ex-member of Bonita's group named Sa-chan who tells him about the behind scenes process of Satoshi's song writing, seems as though his ghostwriters compose most of the songs. However Sa-chan admitted she stole Bonita's song and claimed it as Satoshi's work. At first in court she denied doing that but Bonita had secretly taped a conversation between them where she had admitted stealing the original song.
 Satoshi wasn't exactly guilty of stealing the song as it turns out he didn't even write "That Was Love"  but it did come out that most of this songs have been written by the rest of his team. And what helped sway the decision in her favor was that on day two of the trial Bonita showed up dressed as a fine looking woman, one who looked like she was about to go to her office job. The judge ruled in favor of Kensuke and Bonita and now the question was about how much in damages should they ask for from Satoshi as he did reap quite a bit in profits.
 Kensuke's eyes turned to dollar signs as he's figuring a settlement of $700,000 isn't out of the question, now what will he be able to purchase? Bonita shoots down that idea though, she actually doesn't want any money and is satisfied that the truth is finally out that her song had been stolen. Danjo came up with a bright idea though, they wouldn't ask for too much money but everything they receive would be given to charity, perhaps they could set up a fund for needy children. And that's what became of the settlement as Kensuke's dreams of owning a second cruise ship are burst.

 Even though I never reviewed this series it's really worth a watch if you've never seen it, season two and the TV movie are also worth watching. Naturally with Saki in this episode it made this the highlight of that first season but it would have been a good show even if she wasn't in it, just not as good. Seeing as how (hopefully) all of you can't get enough of Saki have a huge amount of screenshots in the next post.

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