Sunday, January 3, 2016

Erika Sawajiri: "First Class" drama tidbits....

 Season one of "First Class" began in April of 2014, had it on my to watch list but never got around to it, sadly that's been the case for too many dramas for me. This first season was somewhat successful as it averaged a rating of 8.0% which is fairly solid for an 11:00 pm Saturday show. Ratings kept going up to where they were high enough for a second season which aired in the Fall.
 Finally have gotten around to starting on this series and think it'll be a quicker watch than others as an episode is only around 35 minutes, wish more dramas were that length. As of now the plan will be to finish all ten episodes and then start reviewing each episode, after that if I like this season enough will also view the second season. It's only been one episode but it started out fairly well, like I said a 35 minute length is perfect as this episode moved right along and was over before I knew it. Few screenshots for now from the first show, will probably be a few weeks though before I finish it and won't give any spoilers or details yet.

 Erika's photobooks and mag scans look mighty impressive but she also looks quite terrific at promo events, back in 2014 she did quite a few of them. That's another thing I'll be working on as there's so much catching up to do, she looked good at this event but so much better at a few others from 2014.
 On April 18th the cast was at a press conference for the first season of "First Class" which is where these pics are from. Sadly couldn't find a video of the event plus at the Fuji-TV site there was no trailer for season one but there is a video for the second season which you can view after the pics.

1 comment:

  1. Season 1 was pretry good, and I plan on watching Season 2 when I get more time.
