Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Kie Kitano: "I Hate Tokyo" movie screenshots

 Mentioned above had three films from Kii that are subbed but hadn't watched them yet, now one is off that list and will be watching the others as soon as I can. The film I do have of her that isn't subbed is called "Yokohama Monogatari", that also came out in 2013 but sadly have given up hope that it'll be subbed.
 As far as Kii goes haven't heard anything new about her as far as films and dramas go, why has she disappeared these last two years? Though most of her works aren't classics everything Kii has been in has been quite good, maybe this movie wasn't fantastic but it was still an enjoyable view. Kind of miss watching her in dramas and perhaps more than that miss posting about Kii here. Think the review though a bit short did cover most of what happened in the film, sure there's a few minor things which you may pick up in these screenshots. To be honest hard to beat the kawaii level of Kii in the movie but then again I say that about most things she's in.

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