Monday, January 4, 2016

Nogizaka46: 2016 magazine scans #7

 Been just as many mag spreads as of late but besides them haven't heard much about the group besides their recent TV appearances, as a matter of fact they're on another show tonight. Still a bit early to announce the Senbatsu members for their next single or who the center will be, single #14 isn't coming out until March 23rd.
 Actually there's not that many new mag spreads but between them there's quite a few pics. Leading off from the February issue of Mac Fan are Mai F. and Yumi who has most of the pics in the spread.

 Actually thought there were more spreads but just have this final two-parter, the total though is close to 40 pics. There are more spreads but if you haven't noticed there have been zero posts so for their sister group Keyakizaka46. I really don't know much about them and not sure if I want to do, they're a bit too young for me right now so will hold off on any posts for them until they get a bit older or start releasing singles.
 Already posted the pics from the February issue of BLT but there were plenty of bonus pics from the photo shoot. There were two parts to the bonus pics and this first one features all Undergirls.

 Second part features all of the Senbatsu members, it's really been the same lineup for a while so you wonder if it'll be possible for any of the Undergirls to move up in the ranks. After the pics check out a short behind the scenes video of the photo shoot.

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