Monday, January 11, 2016

Rena Matsui: 2016 news #1 and a few older mag spreads....

 Really need to increase the Rena post count around here, true she hasn't been overly busy since her graduation but there's been a few recent things and I think more projects will be happening soon. Plus there's a few older things I can post about, all her mag spreads from 2013-2015 are complete here but will be working backwards on the missed ones and have a few from 2012 today.
  Rena just missed out on my 'top ten fave' list, would probably have her in the #12 or 13 position. Though that list came out fairly good do have my doubts about the 8-10 positions, perhaps if I didn't take a mini vacation from posting about her she would have made the top ten. Still working on that list for the 11th through 20th positions, making lists are not as easy as they seem.
 Rena has had a 'Official Fan Site' for a while but her and whoever updates are finally getting around to making it current as there's plenty of news there, all of it though is in Japanese. Rena had her first fan mag come out on January 8th and here's the cover, also some screenshots from the site and here's the address which you can copy into your browser:

 Rena will also be in her first regular drama which is called "Mr. Nietzsche in the Convenience Store". Not sure of the start date but think it's this Thursday, it'll be airing on NTV but going through the shows site think it'll also be airing on Hulu. Once again here's an address which is for the drama's website plus some pics of Rena from an interview for the show:

 Rena will also be in another January drama called "Detective Ballerino", don't have much info on it yet but will soon as I'll do another post for her this week. As mentioned above do have all her mag spreads from the last three years but none prior to 2013 so will be working on having everything complete here. First few posts of the older spreads will be from 2012 and have two of them today with the first one being from WPB #25, really one of her best spreads ever.

 Actually this spread is close to being as terrific as the above set of pics, final Rena thing for the day is from the May 25th issue of Friday.

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