Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rena Matsui: January 2016 happenings #3....

 Doubt if there will be three Rena posts every month this year but it'd be terrific if it was to happen, can see doing at least a few more over the next two months and there's quite a bit to get to so let's get right to it. Rena is currently appearing in two dramas, one is called "Fragile", not sure if I'm going to be viewing that one.
 But one drama I did just start on was "Mr Nietzsche in the Convenience Store", actually have skimmed through the first two episodes. The series is airing on Hulu-TV, it's fairly easy to get but before I review it waiting to see if it's going to be subbed. It was kind of easy to follow though without them but know they would really help, an episode runs for 23 minutes and it seemed like an okay show. Her character is named Kaede who doesn't work in the store but is somewhat of a regular customer. First episode Kaede fell in love with one of the workers and made a bit of a fool out of herself. Second episode she also made a bit of a fool out of herself by showing up a bit tipsy at the store and passing out. Here's a few screenshots from those episodes, will wait to see if there's going to be subs before reviewing it but even if there aren't any will still be attempting to recap the episodes.

 Besides the two dramas that were mentioned above Rena will also be starring in one starting on February 1st called "Last Train to Nagoya". It'll be airing on TV-Nagoya for four consecutive nights, it's a special mini drama that station has every year to help promote the city. Think they have a special actor or actress appear in it every year that come from the Nagoya area as the lead and that happens to be Rena's hometown. She's done quite a few new interviews for all three dramas, here some pics from her Modelpress interview, here's their address you need to copy into your browser:

 Here's some pics from another new Rena interview which was for Mynavi. Dressed exactly the same but she looks so good we can live with it, once again the address to copy into your browser:

 Have a pair of new Rena mag spreads with the first being from the February issue of Mamor. The mag is some sort of military journal and if I recall correctly she also appeared in one of their issues last year.


 Fifty superb pics of Rena for this post, wish we could have so many more for her that were as big. Final spread is an A++++ set of pics from volume 31 of Big One Girls.

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