Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"She" drama: episode two recap and screenshots

 Air Dates: April 18th to May 16, 2015 on Fuji-TV at 11:40 Saturday nights

Main Cast:

Mayu Matsuoka as Ryoko Nishizawa
Ayami Nakajo as Azusa Ogiwara
Seika Taketomi as Saya Yamamoto
Kurumi Shimizu as Miyuri Eto
Aoi Morikawa as Chisato Okumura
Ryo Narita as Haruto Muraoka
Jin Shirasu as Yuki Hirose
Reika Kirishima as Mizuki Ogiwara

 These posts will probably be no longer than three paragraphs due to it being only a 19 minute show but still took quite a few screenshots. Have seen many dramas that ran for only five episodes but can't recall one that was only 19 minutes long, perhaps there are but they're harder to obtain. That pic at the top is also a bit so-so but couldn't find a good one for this show.
 Continuing on from the first episode none of the students nor Azusa's mother knew what happened to her, as she had such a promising future her disappearance is a mystery. There's quite a few flashbacks you'll notice in the screenshots, though the story takes place in April of 2015 we see some from earlier that year and even some from 2014. We also found out another tidbit about Azusa's ex boyfriend Haruto, besides cheating on her with Miyuri he also had his eyes set on Saya and the pair had also started dating and think they're still somewhat of an item.
 Another character we meet this show is Chisato who is a very mysterious person. Doesn't seem as though she has any friends but she isn't hated, just ignored. We see Chisato often looking at some hidden cameras and microphones, has she been secretly taping everyone and if so why? One other thing about Ryoko is that she's also very smart, perhaps not at the level Azusa is but quite close but her school average is five posts below getting into the special advanced class. Ryoko has been jealous of Azusa for a long time for being so smart, this actually led to them being ex-best friends but she's kept that a secret from everyone.

 Ryoko is keeping up with her investigation into Azusa's disappearance along with the school's staff but so far not one concrete piece of evidence has been found. Many are suspicious of Ryoko as she always carries her camcorder around plus she's been taping the interrogations, some feel she has an secret motive for doing that.
 Back to the mysterious Chisato who has uncovered some various things about Azusa's friends but being a loner she has no one to share them with. She eventually is able to convince Ryoko to come with her to the media room, she wants to show her one of the damaging videos that were on a secret camera. We don't learn quite yet what it is, that detail comes out next episode but when Ryoko watches the video she breaks down and asks for mercy from Chisato, what's on that tape can never be seen by anyone.

 Like I've been saying and will probably men it again but only so much can happen in 19 minutes, perhaps about 25 would have been a better length. Then again because of it's shortness was able to get through the whole series in one sitting, some of these much longer dramas take me weeks or longer to view.
 Also like having shorter recaps, these only take about twenty minutes to do while some can take an hour or so, if you review ten episodes then it can take a long time to do. Sure a few of you like reading shorter things too, always tried to just give the major details of a drama to let you decide whether you want to watch it or not, some reviews I've read other places give away too many spoilers and I try to keep away from doing that. Did take quite a few screenshots from the show though, here's many more from this episode and the next post has the recap for the third episode.

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