Saturday, February 13, 2016

Haruna Kojima and Yuko Oshima: An unbeatable, foursome

 Hmmmm, think I may be available if they're looking for a judge to determine who has the most impressive, uh, er, well.... you know what....

 Was skimming through my Yuko pic collection(a daily occurrence) when I noticed how many pics she's appeared in with Haruna. There are actually more than these so may be back with an encore set of such an unbeatable pair. Does make sense that they appeared in so many mag spreads, promo pics and videos as they're quite close in age with both being born in 1988. Can't think of many things to add in about these pics, one of them being in a pics is kind of breathtaking but being together, wow!
 In other news though Yuko graduated from AKB back in June of 2014 she will be appearing on the group's 43rd single which comes out next month. Quite a few graduates are also going to be on the single such as Atsuko and Mariko, the PV for it just came out so may be posting it next week or at least some screenshots of my older faves. Reason for so many members coming back to be on a single is that the group is celebrating it's 10th anniversary as their first single came out back in February 2006.

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