Saturday, February 13, 2016

Kasumi Arimura: Happy 23rd birthday! New Wicca b-day party pics and videos

 Yesterday said the odds were fairly high that there wasn't going to be a post for Kasumi's 23rd b-day and I really wasn't planning on doing a post for it. However there's a bunch of new pics and videos that came out today so said how can't we have a mini celebration for one of our faves, speaking of faves that bottom pic above is certainly one of mine. First thing is one pic from Kasumi's Flamme agency site, she doesn't have a regular blog but site the there is updated often.

 Kasumi has been working for Wicca watches for a few years now, her promo pics for them all rate an A++++ though they're just of her wearing a watch. On February 13th they helped Kasumi celebrate her b-day with a party and to promote a whole slew of new CM's for them, more info after these party pics. Just remembered tomorrow is Valentine's Day, was reading some articles about today's event and Kasumi was mentioning she didn't have much success in the past giving males she liked chocolates, obviously she forgot about me as she would have been very successful.... or should that be I would have been very successful!!!!

 Mentioned that the party for Kasumi was also an event to promote some new CM's for them, think there's a total of five of them or perhaps more! Luckily they're all in the top video which also has her doing a few intros, after that video is another one that's for Kasumi's party.

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