Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Kasumi Arimura: Two new mag scans plus SK-2 promo event pics and video

 Every year there seems to be one or two who have been around a while who seem to make a huge jump on my fave list. Kasumi has been near my top ten but has just barely missed making the cut though it's almost a given she'll make it the next time around, no one these last two months has risen has rapidly as she has.

 Don't know if you've checked the review out for the "Biri Girl" film, did it last Saturday and it's a movie that's highly recommended. Did have a few other things lined up to watch but been on such a Kasumi roll lately thought that "Strobe Edge" would instead be the next view, don't think it'll be as good but still heard it's a fairly solid watch. Hopefully will be back in a few days with a positive review for the film.

 There's been no stopping Kasumi lately, that'll draw no complaints from me and would think most others or at least the ones reading this. Took two years to get to 35 posts, have already done ten this year and we're only halfway through the second month. Have two new mini mag spreads here, both are from March issues with three pics from Woman and five from Steady.

 Kasumi has really been ringing up the endorsements as of late and another new one for her is SK-2 as she'll be one of their new Ambassadors. Have some ultra superb pics from February 17th as she was at a press conference for them. if your heart can take it after the pics are two videos, one for the press conference and the other is a new CM for SK-2.

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