Sunday, February 14, 2016

Mariko Shinoda: 'Mariko from the Vault' #14- VYJ 114 scans part two

 Mariko is doing a one time reunion with many other AKB graduates as she'll be appearing on their next single "Kimi wa Melody" which comes out on March 9th. The reunion is because it's the 10th anniversary of the group's first single, there's still three members who were on that single who are still with the group. Mariko doesn't exactly have the best singing voice which may be why she never was the center of any A-side single though her "Ue kara Mariko" song is one of my faves, that did end up being a single because she won their 2011 Janken tournament. On to the remaining pics and it's a shame it's the end of these VYJ spreads but there should be many other things still out there to keep her 'from the vault' series going.

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