Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Masami Nagasawa: 70th "Mainichi Film Awards" ceremony pics and video

 Though we certainly don't see enough about Masami these days the times we do see new pics of her doesn't she just look more amazing than ever? Have mentioned a few times that I wouldn't doubt if someone takes her place as #1 in my next top ten list, every time there's fabulous pics like these it's kind of hard to believe any woman could take Masami's place as #1.
 On February 16th Masami along with her co-star from the "Umimachi Diary" film were at the 7th "Mainichi Film Awards" ceremony where she won the award for best supporting actress, think she's won about four awards for her role in the film. Have had the film for a while but haven't viewed it yet as it's quite a long one but will try to do it this weekend so expect a few posts about the movie.
 Not much more to add in about how radiant Masami looked at the ceremony, then again no more radiant than her other recent appearances and I mean that in a good way. Have some fabulous pics for you to enjoy plus after them is a video of the ceremony, highly recommend viewing it.
 As far as other recent news goes Masami has been appearing in the "Sanadamaru" Taiga drama which has been getting some solid ratings, at 50 episodes though think I'll skip it. Also she'll be appearing in a film coming out on April 23rd called "I Am a Hero", not much has come out about the film but sure there will be soon.

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