Saturday, February 13, 2016

Mirei Kiritani: February 2016 happenings #2....

 Mirei may be looking for volunteers to dry her back, any takers????

 Ahem, know of one volunteer!!!! Have no clue about the status of "Sumika Sumire" being subbed, no group I know of has said that they're going to do it but the second episode just aired last night so let's keep on praying that it'll happen. It is a fairly simple drama to follow though, you can get by without subs but they'd make it much more enjoyable. Won't do a review of the second episode yet but here's a few Mirei pics from that show.

 Never enough Mirei mag spreads these days, perhaps when you get up there in age there's not as many opportunities to appear in them which is a shame as she looks better than ever which is really saying something. These are all way too small spreads with two pics from the February 19th Shukan Asahi, three from the February 23rd Shukan Josei and three from Women Themselves.

 Hope it happens more often as Mirei appeared as a guest host(briefly) on this week's "Music Station" show, would imagine it's her first time being on the show. After the screenshots check out two new videos, first one has two new CM's for Y!mobile while the second one is a short preview for next week's "Sumika Sumire" drama.

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