Saturday, February 27, 2016

Nogizaka46: A little of this and that for 2016 #4....

 Do have a potpurri of goodies for this post, to expand on the title there's a little bit of many things. Mai F.'s graduation present is that she'll have the center position for the first time on the group's next single "Harujion ga Sakukoro", here are the covers for the song and there will be three different versions of the single. The song is the same on all of the versions just that the contents are a bit different on all of them, version  C looks to be the best with six songs and nine videos.

 Because of the single the members have been doing a few more blog posts than usual or at least a few of the ones who don't do many entries have been Mai F. is someone who doesn't do all that many but she has done many more this month so here are some of her pics. The ultimate cutie of the group Hinako though does a blog post every day and here are some pics from the last week., have five pics from each of them.

 Also have five pics each from these next two members with Kazumi leading off, looks like she's checking out if blondes have more fun! Haven't done many Miona blog pics but she's a member who keeps it updated with an entry almost every day.

 Will end this with these pics, do have more but will hold off until tomorrow in case there's not many new things to post about but there still was a total of 35 pics in this post. Though Miona was an Undergirl for so long she remained a very popular member, glad to see she's back in the Senbatsu ranks. Have some of her cards for this year starting with her ones for New Years followed by January and February.

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