Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Nogizaka46: "Nogizaka Under Construction" episode #43 recap and screenshots

 Been eons since the past post for one of the group's variety shows, main reason for that is because very few of them get subbed. Can't give a good reason on why these shows don't get subbed these days, the first two seasons of 'BINGO!' were along with quite a few episodes of their old 'Doko' show. This may be a one time thing though as the people at Fukagawa Highway have subbed the two Valentine's shows the group had that were aired on February 7th and 14th. Hopefully that group will do a few more shows, they're really the only one that subs some of their shows on occasion.
 Fairly simple show with the theme above in the second screenshot which was a second generation member picking who she wants as a Valentine. The group also did this last year but at the time the show was a 'Doko' one. There's really not much difference between the two so makes you wonder why they bothered to change, same cast, MC's, skits, etc. At first this new show was going to concentrate on two members for each show and that's how it started out but now has gone back to what it used to be,
 This show took up two episodes with 12 second generation members picking a first generation Valentine. A first generation member would raise her hand if she thought she'd be picked and very few of the members were right. As a matter of fact Asuka was the big loser on this show, she thought three second generation members would pick her but it ended up no one chose her and she was constantly ridiculed over these two shows because of that.
 Two members were picked twice, Mai was one which is really isn't shocking. The one surprise though was Sayuri I. being picked twice as a Valentines, though we don't hear enough about her she seems to be fairly popular among the members. Guess another surprise is that no member chose Nanase to be their Valentine, she only raised her hand once thinking someone would choose her.
 Recapping these kinds of shows is much simpler and shorter than a regular drama, these usually are fun shows but totally predictable though I don't think any members knew who would be chosen as a Valentines. The episodes last for 24+ minutes and have quite a few here from it, so many you probably won't even need to watch it as these should make it easy to follow along and see what happened. Next post has part two of their 'Valentine's Special'.

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